Imagine if every church in the UK had a house that became a safe and secure home for people who have experienced homelessness?

We believe this is a possibility. And this is what Hope into Action is all about.

Our vision is for "Every Church lovingly making a home for people who have been homeless."

We believe the church has the ability to respond to all three forms of poverty. To provide the resource of a house. To offer relationships of friendship and support. And to share a message which can transform someone’s very identity.

Our mission is "To mobilise, unite and unleash Christian prayer, investments, donations and relationships to fight the injustice of homelessness."

In 2010, our founder, Ed Walker, used his own money to buy one house in Peterborough for people who were homeless. Since then, we have grown to a network of over 110 houses in 35 towns and cities across the UK, all partnered with a local church.

You can read more of Ed's story of starting Hope into Action here

Watch the below video where our supporters, volunteers, investors and more share their thoughts on how our work is empowering people to change their lives.