local logo + 3rd party logo as needed

Local blurb

This is an example of the local blurb. You might want to talk about when your franchise began, and the story of how it came about. Is there a particular story of a person or church that was integral to getting it started. If your franchise is part of a 3rd party charity you can link to your own website here.

Here you can also talk about the latest overview of your franchise. How many houses, churches and tenants currently, what are you expecting to achieve in the next year. its worth considering that any statistics that go out of date quickly will need to be monitored regularly. You can also add links to stories that show the work you've been doing, either on the HiA blog or external websites.

Make a donation

Here we will add a link to your franchise donation page, with a blurb including the latest fundraising need/ appeal you have as a franchise.

Our partners

Here you can list and add a link to your partners. we'd suggest adding church partners, other orgs you work closely with and any funders you've received support from.

Organisation name

The Team

Make your page more personal by adding a photo and bio of your team, particularly the franchise lead and EWs.


Charity Details

Charity number:


Safeguarding Policy:

Privacy Policy: