Delivering Hope Written by one of our Empowerment Workers: 'A tenant of ours has recently moved into her own place and all our prayers for her have been answered so extravagantly that I wanted to share it with everyone. This lady was with us for about two and a half years total, and I’m sure you can imagine there have been some significant ups and downs. But I want to share some amazing victories she has had, particularly over the last few months as things have fallen into place for her so beautifully. During her time with us, she was courageous enough to address some very complex issues around past traumas. Little by little she took significant steps to improve her mental health and made a commitment to sobriety. Even during lockdown, she has continued attending her support groups via Zoom. She went from engaging minimally with her befriender, to forming a real friendship with her and even getting involved in volunteering regularly at the supporting church. In autumn last year she found out she was pregnant. She has focused so much energy on keeping positive for the baby, and it’s been amazing to see. After a lot of stress (…understatement!) she was able to secure her own 2-bedroom flat and moved in 2 weeks before the baby’s due date. Her befriender shared with me that prior to being offered the flat, the tenant had asked her to pray that she would find accommodation near the church. It is in walking distance! The church helped her to redecorate the flat, move in all the furniture, fit the carpets, and stocked up her fridge and cupboards. They even put her in touch with a member of the church who is a certified Doula, so she could have birth support. I’m pleased to say baby girl arrived safely this week, and mum and baby are doing fine, but please continue to pray that they will be discharged from hospital soon and able to settle in together at home. The church is treating her as a member of the congregation and organising a hot meal rota so she doesn’t have to worry about cooking for the first couple of weeks when she gets home. I’m so proud of her, and so encouraged by this example of a tenant feeling safe, supported and brave enough to bring about holistic change – and best of all feeling loved by the church and choosing to stay connected into their community.' We love it when a plan comes together. Tenants feeling loved is how we define success, if you would like to be a part of this then please consider donating here. Manage Cookie Preferences