Everyone knows the pandemic has been hard but especially so on the homeless and vulnerable – with needs rising. 

After the heart-ache of penalties we wanted to share some good news from the first 12 months of lock-down. Despite all the challenges of isolation, loneliness and COVID our 315 tenants, (the most we’ve ever housed in a year) have done brilliantly.

Thank you for your support in enabling us and our church partners on this mission. We hope you are encouraged by the below:






238 (76%) were adults and 77 (24%) children. 158 (50%) tenants classed themselves as White British. 12 (8%) tenants would consider themselves to have a disability.

Maintaining Tenancy


The number of tenants who remain in Hope into Action properties and/or moved on well after deducting negative move ons was 300. This equates to 95% of the total tenant cohort. 76 positive move on this year. Up from 61 in the year before

Abstaining from Crime


21% of our tenants housed have previously served a custodial sentence. Of those, 94% did not reoffend. Of the 3 (6%) tenants who did return to custody, 1 (33%) we re-housed.

Reducing Drug and Alcohol Intake


30% of our tenants housed have declared an unhealthy relationship with drugs and alcohol. 88% of those have maintained their usage or sobriety, reduced their dependency or became sober.

Improved Social Relationships


58% of our tenants felt that they had improved their social relationships; 26% of tenants felt that they had maintained positive relationships.

Meaningful Use of Time: Volunteering, Training and Education


The number of adult tenants in education, training or volunteering was 99 (42%).

Meaningful Use of Time: Employment


The number of adult tenants who were in employment of all kinds (zero hours, full and part time contracts) is 72 (30%). 38 (16%) of all adult tenants were unable to work.

Improving Financial Management


126 (53%) tenants did not have rent arrears; 46 (19%) tenants were actively managing debt. 59 (25%) of our tenants would describe themselves as having an improving financial situation. 112 (47%) tenants paid their personal charge by standing order.

Physical and Mental Health


160 (51%) of our tenants indicated that they had physical or mental health needs. 151 (94%) of these maintained or improved this during the year. There were 2 deaths (one from Covid-19), 5 pregnancies and 10 instances of overnight hospital stays.

Engaging with Faith and Spirituality


90 (29%) of tenants engaged with faith over and above that provided by the Friendship and Support group. The number of tenants regularly attending church (regular here being more than once a month) was 37 (12%).

Kate Doran-Smith, our network lead says: ‘This was our most challenging year yet. The pandemic lead to increased needs and numbers of the homeless across the country.  Against the odds, though, we opened 14 new homes and launched in 3 new towns and yet never compromised our quality. 

We define success as when our tenants feel loved. We believe that if people feel safe and loved they are more likely to make good choices.

Our stats back this up. And I’ve heard countless stories of hope, love and touched lives behind these numbers. This is the fruit from amazing sacrifices of staff and church partners who, in turn, report being blessed by their inspirational tenants. Thanks to everyone who has supported us.’

Ed Walker, CEO states: ‘We had to respond to the growing needs and, while we are excited about our growth, once again I am delighted that, despite the challenges, love to our tenants has been maintained as has the quality of our work. Thanks to everyone who has prayed, encouraged and given to make this happen. We are truly grateful.

Perhaps these statistics are most personified for me in a gentlemen I met 2 weeks ago. He had been in the illness of addiction with stints in re-habs and prison. Since moving to our home he has stayed completely clean for over 11 months.

He said to me: ‘I’ve never been anywhere like this. I’ve felt genuinely cared for, it’s not a business to you guys, you really love us.’ After 13 years this was some turn around which included a choice to be baptised in his local church.
So, as we say, behind everyone of our 315 tenants is a story. Thank you so much once again for journeying with us.

If you would like to help us continue this journey, we would love if you could become a Hope Giver and set up a regular donation here.

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