About us Announcement: Welcome our New CEO We are filled with thanks and praise to God as we announce the appointment of Government Advisor on Rough Sleeping, Jon Kuhrt, as our new CEO, to take over from Ed in early 2023. It gives us great pleasure to introduce Jon as the next CEO. Many of you will know and recognise him as a prominent Christian leader in the area of homelessness. Jon has spent the last 30 years working for various organisations including Centrepoint and Shaftesbury Society, before becoming the CEO of West London Mission. In the most recent 4 years Jon has been working in the Government’s rough sleeping unit travelling the country advising councils and faith groups on matters relating to homelessness. We were struck by his faith, understanding and commitment to our mission and vision, knowledge of the sector and range of leadership skills. Jon has been a friend and advocate of Hope into Action for many years. He has spoken at our conference, written a blog about us and appeared in a video promoting Ed’s book! We are honoured, humbled and excited that he will be leading Hope into Action in the next phase of fulfilling our vision of enabling every church to house the homeless. We want to give Jon the warmest Hope into Action welcome. Jon is eager to meet with you all and no doubt as you meet him you will be assured, as we were, that he is the right person for the job. We pray every blessing over Jon and his family as he prepares to take on the role of CEO of Hope into Action early next year. Throughout the process of searching for our new CEO, we have been aware of the prayers that were holding us – thank you. There is a real sense of the Holy Spirit leading Jon to apply and in guiding us to the decision. At the start of the selection process, the Trustees reflected together on Jeremiah 9:23-24 This is what the LORD says: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, nor the strong man in his strength, nor the wealthy man in his riches. But let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD, who exercises loving devotion, justice and righteousness on the earth— for I delight in these things,” declares the LORD. Standing where we are today, those words from Jeremiah really ring true – we boast not in our wisdom or strength, but in the power of the God whom we serve. To God be the glory, great things he has done and will continue to do through you all and Jon for many years to come! Ed and Jon, working closely with the Exec team and Trustees will plan a comprehensive hand-over and develop Ed’s role as he transitions to ambassador. More on that to follow. Gavin and the Trustees Quote from Ed Walker “I am delighted by the appointment the Trustees have made. I know Jon to be a man of integrity, intellect, stature undergirded by a spirituality which chimes with ours. He has vast experience and knowledge in the homelessness sector, is highly respected by faith and civic leaders across the country and I have every confidence in him as a leader. I am looking forward to serving him in prayer and action as I prepare the best handover I can and then support him and everyone else as I look to serve in a new role of Ambassador.” Statement from Jon Kuhrt “I am hugely excited to be joining Hope into Action as CEO, hopefully in late January. I am greatly looking forward to working with the team and with Ed in his new role, to build on the great work that Hope into Action has pioneered over the last 12 years. Next year marks my 30th year of working with people affected by homelessness. During this time, and especially in the government role I have had for the past 4 years, I have seen first-hand the vital contribution that churches make to address homelessness. In every town or city in the country, the work of churches is critical in the efforts to reduce rough sleeping. I have long-admired Hope into Action. The combination of a vibrant Christian ethos, an emphasis on empowerment and its innovative investment model adds up to something very special. My hope and prayer is that I can build on the great work of the last 12 years and see more HiA homes and partnerships unleashing faith and transformation into lives and communities across the UK.” To read more about Eds decision, click here Manage Cookie Preferences