During the Easter period, AMAZING INDIVIDUALS have donated over £24,000 enabling us to empower 4 new franchises. However, it costs Hope into Action £170,000 a year to support all our current franchises so every penny donated over the £24,000 will go towards CONTINUING to EMPOWER franchises in 2024 onwards. Thank you!

The UK faces a profound housing crisis. More people are in emergency, temporary accommodation than ever before and there's been a 27% rise in rough sleeping.*

The problem runs deeper than just a lack of housing.  Too many people feel unloved, isolated and rejected by those around them. There is a poverty of hope and an epidemic of loneliness.

Homelessness is more than house-lessness: people who have been homeless need more than just a roof over their heads. They need community, love and hope.

The Hope of a new start

The message of Easter is of God’s sacrificial love, the offer of forgiveness and the hope of a new start. There is mighty power in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

This is the hope which empowers the church to make a unique response to homelessness. 

Hope into Action has a network of 115 houses across the UK.  Last year we housed over 400 people who had been homeless. Each of our homes is partnered with a local church which provides friendship, support and the offer of faith.

Hope into Action empowers the church to house people who have been homeless.

And in turn, this empowers them to transform their lives.

And you can empower this work to grow this Easter.

Will you join us in Empowering four more franchises today?

Every franchise across the UK costs Hope into Action UK an additional £6,000 to resource. We deliberately keep our franchise costs as low as possible, to remove any barriers for churches and empower them to transform lives of individuals experiencing homelessness.

This year we're starting FOUR more franchises across the UK.

We need your help to raise £24,000 over the next 9 months, by giving regularly or a one off donation, to support these new franchises.

Your generosity really does make a difference! All additional costs are covered by voluntary and grant income. We know times are tough and appreciate every penny donated.

Every penny will go towards franchises costs; EMPOWERING churches to house the to house people who have been homeless!

Thank you for helping to Empower HOPE this Easter.

*statistics taken from Government data available on rough sleeping and statutory homelessness.