By supporting Hope into Action, you are providing a stepping stone to those experiencing homelessness, enabling them to rebuild their lives.

Hope into Action works alongside church partners to provide the care and community support our tenants need to restart their lives and build for the future. 

Your support helps provide an affordable and well-maintained home, as well as one to one meetings for individuals and families as well as support from our Empowerment Workers and church partners, to help our tenants aim for financial, health, work and relationship security.

However you choose to support our work you are a part of a growing community dedicated to enabling Hope into Action and our church partners to house the homeless.

How to donate to Hope into Action

Hope into Action supporters are vital to the continuation of our mission to house the homeless. As of May 2024, we have opened 115 homes and supported 412 individuals to restart their lives by working closely with our church partners across the UK and through the generous giving of our supporters and fundraisers. We want to continue to house and support more individuals who are experiencing homelessness across the UK and empower them to take the steps to rebuild their lives. 

There are many ways you can support Hope into Action and help us strive to make change. 

Regular Giving

Setting up a regular gift for Hope into Action is a great way to join a community of supporters helping us house the homeless. A growing number of churches and individuals are sending us a regular gift which is making a real difference to our local communities. Our regular givers are a vital part of ensuring our work continues.

A regular donation to Hope into Action enables us to plan for the future and support as many people as we can across our communities. From providing support to one of our homes, to championing an empowerment worker, regular donations ensure that we are continuing to provide for our tenants and remain steadfast to our mission "to mobilise, unite and unleash Christian prayer, investments, donations and relationships to fight the injustice of homelessness."

Standing Orders

Setting up a standing order is another way of providing a regular gift to Hope into Action.

A standing order can be set up via your own bank account. 

Please see below the Hope into Action bank details to set up your standing order:

The Cooperative Bank

Hope into Action UK

Sort Code: 08-92-99

Account Number: 65420560

One-off donations

You can support Hope into Action through a one-off donation. Whether you wish to give to a particular franchise location, or to generally helping our homes and tenants, one-off donations help to make a big difference to our mission. 


Donations can be made through our website. Just press the 'donate' button at the top of this page. 


If you would like to donate by cheque, then please make the cheque payable to Hope into Action and post to:

Hope into Action, 24-26 North Street, Peterborough, PE1 2RA 

Donation form

By donating using our donation form, you can take advantage of Gift Aid, which increases your donation amount by 25% if you are a tax payer. Either click here to download the donation form or contact Dee Midgley, Head of Supporter Relations on 01733 558301 and we can send one out to you

Church donations

Churches play a vital role in our mission to house and rebuild the lives of the homeless. 

We believe the church has the ability to respond to three forms of poverty: to provide the resource of a house, to offer relationships of friendship and support, and to share a message which can transform someone’s very identity.

Your church donations are a huge encouragement to our tenants and our teams all across the UK and in your local community and they have a direct impact on the lives of people in need.

Please see above ways to provide donations from your church to Hope into Action UK.


There are so many ways to get involved with fundraising for Hope into Action. From bake sales to skydives, fundraising is a creative way of raising donations. To find out more about fundraising, please visit the fundraising link at the top of this page. If you are planning a fundraising event, or have an idea for a fundraiser, please do get in touch with Kate Morris, Supporter Relations Coordinator at [email protected] - we would love to hear from you!