Scripture: 1 John 4:19; Matthew 9:36.
James 2:14-16.

The team at Hope into Action have witnessed amazing miracles and heart-breaking tragedies. We measure success on whether a tenant has felt loved along their journey with us. We are passionate about seeing church congregations out of their pews and living, loving
and journeying with people. Non-judgemental and compassionate. Loving like Jesus did and does.

Luke tells us that just prior to feeding the 5,000 Jesus welcomed the crowds, spoke about the kingdom of God and healed those who needed healing. We can seek to follow his model, learn how to welcome people, share truth with them and see them healed.

How do we welcome people into our homes? How do we bring healing to those who need healing?

It starts with our hearts. The well-known song pleads with God to
“Give me a heart of compassion, give me a hope for the lost.” If we have experienced the love of God in our lives, it’s only right that we should want to share that love with others. God doesn’t wait for us to have our lives sorted before he meets with us (phew!), He reaches into the mess/chaos/reality of our lives and offers us love, acceptance and hope. 


Today, take some time to ask God for a heart of compassion and hope for the lost.

• Think about the love that you have freely received. How is God calling you to share that love?
• As we spend time meditating in prayer on these verses, God’s heart will sync with ours. Our fatigue will fade
and we will grow in His love and compassion. Is there a verse you want to spend the next few days repeating and returning to in prayer?


‘Lord, place on my heart your desires and give me the courage to follow.

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